The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


What look like blood cells....?

I got one of those Page-a-Day Calendars for Xmas - basically, I not only tear off the previous day's page to reveal today's date and a graphic or photograph (today' s graphic resembles blood cells close up) but I also get to make a paper aeroplane from the previous day's page by following the lines and instructions printed on the page. There are SIX models (Twister, Sonic, Mini-World record, Eagle, Comet, and Monarch). I have collected two of each so far and have yet to make any of them... The reason I mention this is that this morning I noticed that I had failed to tear off yesterday's page; it was a really cool picture of some dollar bills, with George Washington. I wouldn't have minded looking at that yesterday, as opposed to the blood cells I have today.... I'm a bit disappointed by that, really...

(Other graphics included so far are: The Earth at Sunrise, from space; A frozen snowflake (what other sort of snowflake is there?) close up; A paper aeroplane (eh?!); pink and purple patterned splodges (rather like a cow's skin - do cow's have skin, or is it fur? - yes, I know it is or becomes leather.... does that mean it is leather while it is on the cow or afterwards?); A coil of some sort - looks rather like the centre of a hub cap or even a Nine Inch Nails sleeve; leopard print (very chav!); non-descript pattern resembling torches; what looks like a few wisps of cloud; a star pattern (in brown, green and pink))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one of these too, only mine came free with FHM and features scantily clad young ladies ....

10:35 AM


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