The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


Darth Tater now it's all done and dusted, I can put my 20 year old toy of the Emperor away, or can I....

Now I don't need encouragement, but after watching Episode Three the other night, Jess presented me with my very own Darth Tater - and I have to say it is probably the best toy I have ever owned!! It's just so ridiculous!! I love it!!!

Thank you!

(For ages two and over - not for small children as contains small parts - not for my 3 year old nephew either - it's mine!)


Blogger Scattergun said...

The best toy you've ever owned.

How old are you?!

(It does look like a nifty toy, though...)


3:36 PM


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