The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...



Continuing on a theme of blogs with place names....

Inane has moved flat! I'm in (you guessed it) Lewisham, which is in south-east London, close to Greenwich and Blackheath, not forgetting New Cross, Isle of Dogs and Charlton, plus lots of other places either beginning with "Lee" or ending in "Green"...

Love the flat - one bed - really spacious - I've been living it large (in a modestly quiet and relaxing way) for a few days now. Neighbours in the building - well, I have not had time to introduce myself yet or see them, but they are there! From what I know, there is a girl opposite who looks after the building, but Jess thought she saw her leaving in a hurry the day I arrived (does my reputation proceed me? am I that difficult to live with??) but to date I have seen no-one else - although I have heard what my landlord described as the "City type" (I met him on the weekend so I was able to disguise myself) pottering around upstairs (rises at 6am, comes in at 3am), I can hear/smell old lady downstairs (likes her TV loud and doesn't open her windows - she's moving on soon, in a residential rather than a mortal sense...) and I thought I got a whiff of the "Spanish/Hungarian" (which?!) "student type" in the flat below (he had a smoke on Monday at lunchtime - if you know what I mean...)

Lewisham - well, it's good for trains but the pubs are dire, unless you like talking to old men en masse - will investigate the locale further... ...but as The Overlord says, don't diss the Sham man...!

Looking forward to clocking off and pottering around the flat later - just pottering, nothing more, well, maybe some wine to go with the pottering...


Blogger Scattergun said...

Interesting bunch of people! It'll be like that Hitchcock film, "Rear Window"...

BTW - good place for booze would be the Six String Bar (formerly the Paradise Bar) in New Cross; check it.

5:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor old Sham, the pubs aren't great but I think it does have the largest police station in Europe (conveniently sharing a wall with the local branch of Yates's). Although both should probably be avoided.

5:47 PM


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