The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


Sage advice

Just had lunch. Bread was excellent, although admittedly wasn't mine. Bought sandwiches in our neighbourhood Boots, the chemist. Unfortuately, they had run out of those excellent Pan Fried Sauasge and Sage "Sensations" crisps made by the good people at Walkers. Nothing like a spot of advertising (and vague dim hope they see this and either send me loads of free stuff - I'd prefer the Peking Duck Cracker or Thai Sweet Chilli flavour Sensations) but they have been good to me recently. Not only have I been aquiring their Sauasge and Sage Sensations from Boots en masse (at a seriously discounted price, of course) but I've also been wearing their Pedometer, which they kindly sent me for free just before Xmas. However, you would not believe how difficult it is to get up to the recommended 10,000 steps per day! I find the only way I can do it is to cheat by wearing it on the treadmill at the gym!!

I got a web link about the health benefits of sage the other day - in particular reference to alcoholism (what are they trying to tell me?!). According to this link, you can reduce your ability to drink by consuming sage in bulk. I put this theory to the test (with considerable help from Jamie Oliver) at once and cooked his Best Ever Bangers and Mash - a meal comprising of large cumberland sausage stuffed with sage, lots of fresh sage dressing and mash. Preceded of course by a bag of those crisps again. Result of experiment: I drank a bottle of red wine and several beers.... ...the extra beers helped console me with the experiment's failure....

...but the food was fantastic! Right, that's enough free advertising (for now... !)


Blogger Scattergun said...

Pedometer? Does that count how many...erm...think I'll leave it... 8o)

2:59 PM


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