The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...



It's a girls sport, but last night, me and a load of other fellas gave it a go in our firm's mixed competition. Needless to say, I played well, but our team did not reach the final, despite some fantastic performances from yours truly in Goal Defence! Actually, it was more running around like a loon and whoever was in Goal Attack on the oppossing side from getting the ball - apparently, I performed well, but did not move with much grace, according to one eye-witness...

I actually played on a rival team too as they were short of numbers - so ended up playing twice as many games as anyone else - I was thoroughly knackered by the end of it!

All this exercise meant less time to be here (the best match of the evening!) Getting back on true form, tonight as I'm off here to see a band and meet him.

Speaking of gigs.....


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