The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


Meet the Inanes

Folks visited this weekend! I think they liked the flat, they have left a deposit for a new sofa, and they were encouraged by my ever improving cooking abilities! (The best sausage and mash in the world, provided with the help of a certain Jamie Oliver). Glad they came down, as I don't see them as much as I would like - was great to entertain in my castle too, finally... ;o)

All in all, a relaxing weekend, during which I also inanely...

had a curry in Blackheath
got a new stereo
found an alternative and faster way to Lakeside (the easy way)
cooked up a feast
fixed pictures to my walls (probably against the rules but that the hell)
moved the last of my boxes out of the way

...and met a neighbour...

Well, did try to introduce myself to the old lady downstairs, but it was all a bit too much for her (bless)

Also, the flat below, which I think has been empty this last week, is now occupied... will investigate further...

Rolling in drunk on a Sunday evening! A sunday evening no less! Which means I have found at least one pub not too far away that will do.... ...also did my best to annoy the neighbours (unintentionally, of course) by playing loud music/TV late, cooking like a drunken demon to satisfy the palate of a booze hound who had nothing but a bacon butty and a bag of crisps yesterday...

Makes up for the racket upstairs was making on Saturday - he was watching Glasto-by-Sea on the TV until gone two, and as I was in the living room (having sacrificed the bed to the folks) I got to hear it all - still, glad I wasn't there this year, unlike him - music was good though, as ever...

Planning a quiet one this evening


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eventually another blogger in penge!! welcome on board.

10:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie Oliver?! Wow, how things have changed! Sounds like you're settling in well. Good luck!

Charlie x

3:51 PM


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