The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...



Tee hee!

Anyway, back to business - why is it I feel naked without my mobile phone?

I managed the first 21 years of my life quite happily without one - so 3 hours into my day without a mobile (I left it at home accidentally) I feel a slight nevousness. What it someone needs to call me? (They never do) What if there is some crisis in London and I need to call worried relatives? (Which never helps anyway) What if I can't simply use email or the land line sat on my desk right now as an alternative for the five or so hours that remain until I get home and retireve the bloody thing from where-ever I left it in my not-so-drunken state* last night??!!!

No need....

*Note - moderation is the order after the excesses of last week, which resulted in me feeling ill for days and not even having the nounce to blog...


Blogger Scott said...

It's like not having a watch. You some how feel you're missing something and will not be able to function and then do. Agree with alcohol statement - drink, bad ...

2:46 PM


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