The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


Locker 101

Just got back from the gym... ...the whole trip today was a rather bizarre one. First off, I was hit by a squash ball as I passed through the corridor to the changing rooms (okay, that is not that bizarre, there are squash courts there, this ball didn't just materialise from out of space), then someone shot me a filthy look as I was gearing up on the treadmill (for no apparent reason, I wasn't staring at their arse or anything), but perhaps best of all, I was prevented from re-entering Locker 101 (alright - it was 103 - I always pick that number because it reminds me of home...) and was well and truly locked out of my locker after returning from the shower, with nothing but a towel to hide away my respectables...

...after sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, The Man duly came and forced my locker open (from a security point of view, a nightmare for any prospective thief), but upon gazing at my trainers remarked I should never run in them again, they were not even training shoes (funny, this sort of advice was not given to me when I bought them), I should get myself down to the sports store immediately with three brands recommended by him, preferably a model of shoe with thick plastic or rubber soles to protect my knees, and if I absolutely had to run in them again, no more than 10 minutes on the treadmill and absolutely not outside...!

...needless to say, not feeling the benefit of my 5K run just yet...


Blogger Scattergun said...

Nice. Not content with having to open your locker, he cussed your shoes as well!

4:36 PM


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