The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


The Wedding of the Year - Part 2

You can get all manner of wedding cards - to our daughter, to my daughter and her husband, to mum, to my uncle and auntie, even to my brother and sister-in-law - but sister and brother-in-law has been harder to find! Is is because they know men are rubbish when it come to cards/remembering dates/emotions etc? Well, I like to think I'm not that bad - I measure my righteousness in this case by getting a Mother's Day Card really early (as I was there - ah, I see, male logic kicks in...) and there was at least one other bloke doing the same (another logical male perhaps?) - perhaps a card which says: "To Mum, from your loving son, who never buys you a gift because it's usually also near your birthday, and such, but please recognise my logical prowess (which I obviously owe to you) and how I bought this card about three weeks before I had to! Love, your son" would be a good idea?

Having really odd dreams about the wedding now - real anxiety type stuff about getting the reading wrong - well, in that classic dream like thing that happens, actually having the wrong reading to start with, in the wrong church, in the year 3321, or something...! - Well, will practice the reading over the next few days and will have to let the time-travelling be...


Blogger Scott said...

Now everytime I've purchased a Mother's day card well in advance I have still then failed to post it in time.

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a bridesmaid for my brother's wedding and had to wear a red satin dress with black doc marten boots, and we carried red lacy umbrellas instead of flowers - it was in 2002 and I still haven't recovered!
Good luck for the weekend

9:40 AM

Blogger Scattergun said...

I coudldn't buy a card / gift for my mum on Mother's Day.

The shock would kill her...

4:53 PM


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