The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...


Weekend blogging

How relaxing! The weather has been fantastic and it's a refreshing change to be blogging somewhere other than work! (Ah, the simple things....)

Had a great night out in Crystal Palace, with Jess, and now we're off for a curry......


St Pats and Sping at last.... (my nose was right!)

Pink marble, a tree's rings, rasberries on Friday 11th (Red Nose Day) , a wet sandy beach marked by waves visible only once the tide has gone out, a perper aeroplane that looks like a butterfly against a sunny sky backdrop and yesterday, shamroocks made of candy....

...on that note, thanks to The Overlord for finding this:

"Are you one of those complete wankers who claims to be Irish because your great-great-great-great grandfather twice removed once lived there for a bit before opting to desert the country and go somewhere else instead? Great! Because if you are, you can now buy a piece of Ireland."

Sums up how I feel this morning - 24 hours ago, I was quite up for St Pats (excuse to temporarilly suspend the beer ban, for Guinness only) . However, the pub was colonised by the above mentioned wankers*. Also, the pub had been conning us for weeks about the extent of the "party", for us only to discover that whilst there were plently of balloons, there were no free hats/inflatable pints in sight! (you know the ones, only available on the consumption of six pints of Guinness) I feel let down by the whole experience and next year, will be having my own party at my place (hats will of course be provided!)

Speaking of which, I have a leaving do/birthday party to plan...

* Must confess at this point my great great grandfather was from County Kerry. Admitedly, that was a long time ago, and yes, I can be a bit of a wanker from time to time...


Tuesdays Part 3

Well here we are... waiting to see if anything goes wrong today... far, so good...


Tuesdays Part 2

Tuesday tomorrow (again? Who'd have thought it, eh?)

Apparently, I must defer my own judgment on this to my three and a half year old nephew - he likes them. End of subject.....

Spring is coming

How can I tell?

My nose is bleeding - the seasonal barometer attached to my face is working well - after a week or two of rushing to the loo every five minutes to clean myself up, I confidently predict spring will be upon us..... ;o)

In other news: I HAVE RESIGNED FROM MY JOB!!!!! ;o))))

Although far from inane, very exciting in fact, I thought I should let you know, as it partially explains my lack of blogging of late... Needless to say I am very pleased....



Lots of mutterings today, and ugly rumours....

Walked to the DLR this morning, and passed three people muttering to themselves like crazies... ...okay, one of them was certifiable, but the others seemed normal... per my previous post on strange unconnected events, seem to be attracting things in threes!

As for the rumours, all will be revealed...

(Calendar: Pink Marble - yummy! Today is also International Womens Day. What with UK Mother Day in the same week, all this female bias has heightened my estrogen levels......maybe this also explains the strange activity I am attracting)


Beer update

It's been four weeks since I last had a beer - and it feels like ages!!!

On the minus side, whilst I might be drinking less in volume, I'm still spending as much (if not more) on going out and also I'm drinking a higher volume of alcohol. So my liver doers hurt more and I've developed some mouth ulcers too!!

On the plus side however, I have lost a LOT of weight in a short space of time (quarter of a stone), and I feel healthier (apart from the bit about the liver and the ulcers!!), and my hangovers are nowhere near as bad (again, except for the liver, which admittedly I need to live)...

I'm really missing beer, but the weight loss is really satisfying.... ;o)


People keep dropping stuff today when I am near...

First, this happened in the lift at work when a girl dropped her mobile...

Then, it happened outside the lift as a maintainence guy dropped his spanner...

Finally, as I was going to the canteen, someone dropped their breakfast all over the floor... it something I did?...



What is it about Tuesdays? They are pointless, and very upsetting... Seems whenever I have one of my "black" days, it's always on a Tuesday... At least with Mondays, you know where you stand (yeah, it might be the beginning of the week, but at least it's a starting point, and you feel vaguely motivated - Tuesday's are just a non-event, a passage to Wednesdays, which do have some purpose as they mark the middle of the week and the turning point towards the weekend...)

Still, could be worse....

(You may have noted a lack of blog lately. This is because I have been far from Inane and very busy with my real life - hopefully, I will get a chance to share this with you - in the meantime, here's a page-a-day calendar picture for the day update, which has been very interesting over the last two weeks, during which time I have sadly been ignoring it - not even having the time to tear the pages away :o( - here's what I missed:

Tuesday 15th Feb: snowflakes, very topical; Thurs 16th: pebbles/rocks; Fri 18th - a paper aeroplane that once you make it looks like a red bomber plane in the style of the awful Jude Law film, Captain Jude Law and the World of Tomorrow; Weekend 19th/20th: ice, or salt, under a microscope... very cool; Mon 21st: Palm leaves, would have been more appropriate an entry on Palm Sunday rather than US Presidents Day, I feel; Tues 22nd: Metal discs of some kind, rather like industrial cheese graters, up close, to celebrate US President George Washington's birthday - also my sister's birthday; Fri 25th - (10 months to Christmas!) - Ice bergs, or Antarctic Mountains, see them now while you still can...; Mon 28th - Yellow tiger stripes, reminiscent of our local's decor, and finally,

March 1st - Rain - very appropriate...)