The everyday musings and mishaps of a guy now nearly thirty, living, working, and playing in London. Only duller...



Apparently, it's good to have a short burst of unprotected sunshine on your skin at midday. Wonder if this advice came from the same school of thought that suggested drinking your weight in wine is good for you, red meat improves the blood, and will no doubt soon encourage us that a ten cigarettes a day habit will prevent bad B.O., or something...?

I'm off out for my radiation... ;o)


Thomas the Tank Engine

Not that I was one for being sucker-ed into merchandise at a young age... ...okay, ignore my last few posts on Star Wars, but telephone conversations with my nephew are not what they once were...

...for example, there was a time I wondered at the adaptive and ever growing power of a child's mind, particularly their ability to communicate effectively on the phone before they can really talk...

...all that is lost. As with everything, the corporations get in early, and on Sunday he listed, rather forceably, the toy trains I must take with me the next time I visit: Duncan, Rusty, Skar Loey, and the more familiar Edward and Gordon are all priced roughly £12-15 a piece...

Anyone wishing to make a donation...... ;o)


Darth Tater now it's all done and dusted, I can put my 20 year old toy of the Emperor away, or can I....

Now I don't need encouragement, but after watching Episode Three the other night, Jess presented me with my very own Darth Tater - and I have to say it is probably the best toy I have ever owned!! It's just so ridiculous!! I love it!!!

Thank you!

(For ages two and over - not for small children as contains small parts - not for my 3 year old nephew either - it's mine!)

Star Wars - a very brief review

I've seen it.
It was very good.
Far better than the last two.
On a par with the original trilogy.
However, please don't make any more George.



Oh, when is the bloody weather going to improve?



Was walking past St Pauls churchyard today. I spyed through the iron railings a gentleman approaching the round black obelix shaped WWII memorial to the people of London, which sits just one or two feet in height above the ground. As I passed both him and the memorial, he paused and left behind a V shaped flag on the stone and carried on walking, pausing only for a brief second.

I was rather moved to have witnessed this...



Wondered why I was feeling a little down over the last 24 hours, and then read the last few entries...

Is it any wonder??!!!

(Also looking for a new flat, a place I can call home - London is not working with me so far, but as my horoscope says, don't makes plans this week, because my ruler Mars sits down to dinner this weekend with flakey Uranus, and it means all plans will become redundant... Jess will not be pleased!)



What? Pardon?

I'm sorry, but did someone just sneak up behind me on a cloud and whisper now that he has beaten the plague, we will afflict him with another disability, just so everyone who didn't get the first one will now think he is really incompetant in his new job...?!?!!!

Only I couldn't hear....?

I am fortune's fool

Another holiday is in order...



I am in a world of hell.

I itch ALL OVER and I cannot afford to scratch.

Saw the doctor in the Soho Walk In centre (yep, it is exactly as it sounds - first question I was asked on my arrival was if I was there for "Sorted") - still, excellent service, was seen very very very quickly, and they gave me these fantastic pills with a very masculine name (which made up for a few things)..

Jess has been very obliging with the calamine lotion - alright, not that obliging...!

I think it's starting to dissappear... only playing with my new iPod and the consequent stress this is causing as I condense my favourtite tunes into 120 solitary tracks is giving it cause to rise again...

...I don't know what's worse, except waking up with Tony Blair/Michael Howard/Charles Kennedy... oh well........



...This is nuts, and it's really starting to get uncomfortable. I am going to sample the delights of Soho's walk in centre, as it seems it's the only place I can get seen to in a hurry without making advance appointments... so there, Tony!

Feel 'orrible! Will report on what I find tomorrow......


Had the shock of my life this morning!

Thought I was a little hung over yesterday following a weekend of bank holiday booze, so settled in for an early night....

...only to wake up with a rash from head to foot!! (I look like a walking poster for the Labour Party)

I look like a monster...

...still, got to hand it to NHS Direct for calming my nerves/giving me more to worry about...!